Wednesday 28 September 2016

Weekly Update

Hello people I'm back here again with the Weekly update telling you exactly what I've done incase you missed out on some of the blogs I posted. One of the first thing I have done this week is create a mind map about School topics. The reason for this is that I wanted get a rough idea what my school magazine can include. After this I analyzed two school magazines front covers. The reason for this is that I lack experience in School magazines and by checking into how they are designed this could give me an idea for my School magazine. Final task was for me to create a School Questionnaire. This was vital for me as this was given to my focus group and by my results I can see all of their interests and the results of this (which I hopefully will be getting soon) could impact what's in my magazine as my focus group might have different interests to what I thought they would have so I just have to wait in for the results and see.

Thanks for being here again this week and I hope you will remain with me in my journey of creating a school magazine.

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