Friday 9 September 2016

Introduction&Use of media

Hello Bloggers and my name is Diyar Kurnaz and I'll be taking A level Media for the next two years and be keeping you updated on my blog page as I progress on my project.

Firstly i'll like to give you an insight into what I enjoy the most which is music. The music genre that I enjoy the most is Hip Hop and my favourite artist is Drake.

The Media I use is a variety for many different reasons. I use social media to catch up on news such a Twitter and Facebook and I also use Snapchat to see what my friends are up to and finally I also use Facebook messenger to communicate with other people when I need them (more formal) but if I want to contact a friend I normally use Whatsapp as they use it frequently so If I need to find something out I'm more likely to find it quicker. I hope to see you back here again soon so you can keep up with my project.

Diyar Kurnaz

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