Wednesday 28 September 2016

Analysis of two school magazines

Hello everyone today I'm going to analysis two school magazines and going to try show you the differences and similarities of both of their front cover.

Trinity School magazine
 Front Cover 

This is the front cover of the school magazine for Trinity School. As you can see from the front cover this magazine is created professionally as the text  font and colour is suitable and stands out with the background. The text is written in a way that it looks organised and professional you can see that the text is written in an not all over the page. The page after the front cover shows kids smiling. This is well planned out as when Parents look at this magazine they get a good impression as by the kids smiling this can give the impression that children at this school enjoy their time and education.

Greig City Academy      

 Front Cover 

As you can see this is the Greig City academy's front cover for their magazine. The first impression of this school magazine is that it seems like it wasn't made as 'professionally' as Trinity School. The reason for this is that the background seems more basic and they have not gone into detail as much as Trinity, also the font looks 'lame' and not interesting as Trinity School. The reason for the font to look like this is because of the background as if they changed it to a font style like Trinity it wouldn't suit the front cover because of the background which makes the school look more middle class than Trinity. However one positive is that the front cover shows a kid concentrated while he is working which could show the parents that the school ensures that the children here work hard which could result in good examination result for their child.

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