Tuesday 20 September 2016

Camera Angles

Hello everyone in today's blog I'll be sharing with you all the camera angles that I've researched about and going to show you some examples of it.

1. Low angle shot                      
One of the first camera angles I want to talk to you about is the 'Low angle shot'. This shot shows you the subject as you're below them which can give the impression of the subject being more powerful as you're looking up to them.

2. Aerial shot

This camera angle is called the 'Aerial Shot'. As you can tell by the name this shot is filmed high up from an aeroplane, helicopter, blimp, balloon, kite (I hope this gives you a rough idea or I would be going on forever). This shot has it's own significance as by giving an aerial view to the audience they can see the setting around the subject and get a feel more about the atmosphere of the setting.

3. Wide angle shot
The third camera I've learnt about is the wide angle shot. As you can see from the image the wide angle shot covers a big space as you can see what's around the subject and what's ahead of him.

4. Close Up
This is a close up shot. The reason for this is that you can only see the subjects upper body and not his full body as the camera has 'closed' in on the subjects upper area where in this case is the face of Justin Bieber.

5. Over the shoulder 
This is the 'Over the shoulder shot' camera angle. The importance of this shot is that you can see what is ahead of the subject as it's more zoomed into the characters 'shoulder' so you can see what is coming for him.

6. Long Shot 
This camera angle is the 'Long Shot' and the purpose of this shot is to fit a large object such as a complete body which that can easily fit in the frame. The image is a very good example as you can see the whole body fits into the frame but there's still room in the frame.

7. Two Shot
This is the 'two shot' and the purpose of this shot is for two people to appear within in the frame and you can see this from the example of a 'two shot' image which is just above this text.

8. High angle 
This camera shot is the 'High angle'. The high angle is a shot that shows the subject from above and in movies and music videos the effect of this could be that the subject is diminishing which could make them appear less powerful and significant. 

9. Point of view 

As you can see from the name this camera angle is from the point of view of a character within the scene. For instance as you can see from this shot it's exactly what the F1 Driver will see in his car while racing.

10. Mid Shot

This is the 'Mid Shot' and the purpose of this camera shot is that a medium-size object (the top half of a human figure) which fits easily within the figure.

11. Establishing Shot

This is the establishing shot and this establishes the positions of the characters and identifies the setting and this could be a long shot just like this shot. As you can see from the  example picture you can tell it's an Establishing Shot by the characters standing together and seem to focus on something which the audience can't yet see.

12. Eye line shot

This is the 'Eye line shot' and is considered the real-world angle that we are all used to. As you can see it shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life.

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