Wednesday 28 September 2016

Weekly Update

Hello people I'm back here again with the Weekly update telling you exactly what I've done incase you missed out on some of the blogs I posted. One of the first thing I have done this week is create a mind map about School topics. The reason for this is that I wanted get a rough idea what my school magazine can include. After this I analyzed two school magazines front covers. The reason for this is that I lack experience in School magazines and by checking into how they are designed this could give me an idea for my School magazine. Final task was for me to create a School Questionnaire. This was vital for me as this was given to my focus group and by my results I can see all of their interests and the results of this (which I hopefully will be getting soon) could impact what's in my magazine as my focus group might have different interests to what I thought they would have so I just have to wait in for the results and see.

Thanks for being here again this week and I hope you will remain with me in my journey of creating a school magazine.

Analysis of two school magazines

Hello everyone today I'm going to analysis two school magazines and going to try show you the differences and similarities of both of their front cover.

Trinity School magazine
 Front Cover 

This is the front cover of the school magazine for Trinity School. As you can see from the front cover this magazine is created professionally as the text  font and colour is suitable and stands out with the background. The text is written in a way that it looks organised and professional you can see that the text is written in an not all over the page. The page after the front cover shows kids smiling. This is well planned out as when Parents look at this magazine they get a good impression as by the kids smiling this can give the impression that children at this school enjoy their time and education.

Greig City Academy      

 Front Cover 

As you can see this is the Greig City academy's front cover for their magazine. The first impression of this school magazine is that it seems like it wasn't made as 'professionally' as Trinity School. The reason for this is that the background seems more basic and they have not gone into detail as much as Trinity, also the font looks 'lame' and not interesting as Trinity School. The reason for the font to look like this is because of the background as if they changed it to a font style like Trinity it wouldn't suit the front cover because of the background which makes the school look more middle class than Trinity. However one positive is that the front cover shows a kid concentrated while he is working which could show the parents that the school ensures that the children here work hard which could result in good examination result for their child.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

School Questionnaire (Sample)

Hello everyone this my questionnaire sample which I will be getting results from people about my school magazine which part of my research and will be letting you know the results later and I hope to see you back here again soon.

School Questionnaire



What’s the thing you most enjoy about School?

What do you dislike about the School?

What are your hobbies (What do you like doing in your spare time)?

What are you planning to do after 6th form?

Are you employed/volunteer anywhere?

What subjects do you enjoy the most?

Do you enjoy reading magazines?

IF you do which type of magazines (genre) do you enjoy reading?

School Magazine Topics

Hello people hope you're having a great day because today I'm going to show you some potential topics I thought about for my School Magazine topics. I created a mind map to present this in the most exciting way possible (as I know it's not the greatest thing to read). You'll see it in the bottom of the text

Hope to see you back here again soon!

Friday 23 September 2016

Weekly Update

It has been a week of Media now and I'm absolutely loving it. This week I have done many things which I have never done before and learnt many things. One of the first things I've done is to tell you guys who I am and how I use Media (Introduction). However after that the real stuff started. I learnt about Demographics and how it is used and had to create a chart to represent it. After this I found out about all the different camera angles that exist and what each camera angle can connote. After I done my Colour Psychology presentation where I showed you guys what each colour can stay for and used some examples why different companies use different colours to represent them. Finally I created a presentation about psychographics on prezi and explained what each section stands for.

This was my weekly update and I hope to see you here again next week.

Wednesday 21 September 2016


Hello everyone today I will be showing you my presentation of Psychographics.  Firstly I want to start by explaining what exactly Psychographics. Psychographics is when you classify people into groups according to their attitudes, aspirations and other physiological needs. Here is the link for my presentation where I explain what each group stands for.

Link -

Colour Psychology

Hello people today I will be explaining Colour Psychology and going into what different colours represent. Colour Psychology is the way people interpret the meaning of the colours and the mood each colour represents, the meaning of each colour is usually interpreted the same between everyone but some people can see different meanings of each colour.


  • Calmness 
  • Cold
  • Sadness
  • Productivity 

As you can see from 'Oral-B' toothpaste is uses the colour blue. The reason for this is that the colour blue is considered as a calm colour and by doing this people are more likely to buy the toothpaste as if it was red people might not trust this as the toothpaste goes into their mouth. 


  • Danger
  • Blood
  • Passion
  • Love
  • Romance 
  • Anger 

The 'British Red Cross' logo is red for one big reason as the colour red can represent people in danger and for them to have a red logo it represents on what they do which is help people in danger which is why the red logo suits what they stand for.


  • Happiness 
  • Sunshine
  • Easter
  • Frustration  
  • Nervous

This is the McDonalds and as you can see it is dominated by the colour yellow.  The benefits of using the colour yellow is that it can connote happiness and like this people can believe McDonalds is an 'happy' place to go and as a result they can attract more customers.

  • Calming 
  • Passive 
  • Sweet 
  • Kindness 
  • Love
  • Romance 

This company is called the 'Bright pink lipstick' and you can see from their logo and name that they want the colour pink to represent them. The reasoning behind this is that they're a lipstick company so they would want a colour that can connote sweet which pink does and for this reason is a suitable colour.

  • Excitement 
  • Warmth 
  • Enthusiasm 
  • Alarming 

Fanta as you know is a soft drink and by using the colour orange this helps them as they want people to be excited about the drink which helps as if they're excited they would be more likely to buy it.

  • Envy
  • Jealousy 
  • Freshness 
  • Healthy 
  • Fertility 

This is an Environmental friendly company and as you might know most environmental companies use the colour green. This is because the colour Green connotes freshness and by them using Green it shows what they want which is a fresh 'Green' world to live in.

  • Innocence 
  • Cold
  • Bland 
  • Sterile 
  • Empty 

This is a charity to help pandas and by using a white background shows the innocence of the pandas and makes people want to donate to help them as they could feel sorry about them.

  • Menace
  • Evil  
  • Power
  • Death 
  • Sadness
  • Formal

As you know the company 'Chanel' is known as a prestigious company and has formal clothes and the colour black connotes formality so by them having a black background it represents what they do.

  • Royalty 
  • Wealth 
  • Wisdom
  • Mysterious 
  • Exotic 

This is a chocolate brand that has many different chocolates. It has a purple logo as it wants its customers to feel like 'royalty' when they have their chocolates so by using this colour it attracts more customers.

  • Natural
  • Strength 
  • Reliability 
  • Sadness
  • Isolation 

The reason for 'Ups' to use a brown logo is because they're a logistics company and the colour brown connotes reliability and by them using it this shows the people that they're a reliable logistics company and that you can trust them.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Camera Angles

Hello everyone in today's blog I'll be sharing with you all the camera angles that I've researched about and going to show you some examples of it.

1. Low angle shot                      
One of the first camera angles I want to talk to you about is the 'Low angle shot'. This shot shows you the subject as you're below them which can give the impression of the subject being more powerful as you're looking up to them.

2. Aerial shot

This camera angle is called the 'Aerial Shot'. As you can tell by the name this shot is filmed high up from an aeroplane, helicopter, blimp, balloon, kite (I hope this gives you a rough idea or I would be going on forever). This shot has it's own significance as by giving an aerial view to the audience they can see the setting around the subject and get a feel more about the atmosphere of the setting.

3. Wide angle shot
The third camera I've learnt about is the wide angle shot. As you can see from the image the wide angle shot covers a big space as you can see what's around the subject and what's ahead of him.

4. Close Up
This is a close up shot. The reason for this is that you can only see the subjects upper body and not his full body as the camera has 'closed' in on the subjects upper area where in this case is the face of Justin Bieber.

5. Over the shoulder 
This is the 'Over the shoulder shot' camera angle. The importance of this shot is that you can see what is ahead of the subject as it's more zoomed into the characters 'shoulder' so you can see what is coming for him.

6. Long Shot 
This camera angle is the 'Long Shot' and the purpose of this shot is to fit a large object such as a complete body which that can easily fit in the frame. The image is a very good example as you can see the whole body fits into the frame but there's still room in the frame.

7. Two Shot
This is the 'two shot' and the purpose of this shot is for two people to appear within in the frame and you can see this from the example of a 'two shot' image which is just above this text.

8. High angle 
This camera shot is the 'High angle'. The high angle is a shot that shows the subject from above and in movies and music videos the effect of this could be that the subject is diminishing which could make them appear less powerful and significant. 

9. Point of view 

As you can see from the name this camera angle is from the point of view of a character within the scene. For instance as you can see from this shot it's exactly what the F1 Driver will see in his car while racing.

10. Mid Shot

This is the 'Mid Shot' and the purpose of this camera shot is that a medium-size object (the top half of a human figure) which fits easily within the figure.

11. Establishing Shot

This is the establishing shot and this establishes the positions of the characters and identifies the setting and this could be a long shot just like this shot. As you can see from the  example picture you can tell it's an Establishing Shot by the characters standing together and seem to focus on something which the audience can't yet see.

12. Eye line shot

This is the 'Eye line shot' and is considered the real-world angle that we are all used to. As you can see it shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life.

Tuesday 13 September 2016


Dear Bloggers today I'm going to explain to you what exactly Demographics are. Demographics is a way of defining the adult proportion by the work they do and how much they earn. As you can see in the graph there's 6 groups (A-E) and this describes the income and status of the members of each group.

A - Upper Middle Class (higher managers; Doctors; lawyers)
B - Middle Class (middle managers; teachers)
C1 - Lower Middle Class ( office workers)
C2 - Skilled working class (skilled manual workers; plumbers, builders, electricians)
D - Working Class
E - Unemployed receiving benefits

Friday 9 September 2016

Introduction&Use of media

Hello Bloggers and my name is Diyar Kurnaz and I'll be taking A level Media for the next two years and be keeping you updated on my blog page as I progress on my project.

Firstly i'll like to give you an insight into what I enjoy the most which is music. The music genre that I enjoy the most is Hip Hop and my favourite artist is Drake.

The Media I use is a variety for many different reasons. I use social media to catch up on news such a Twitter and Facebook and I also use Snapchat to see what my friends are up to and finally I also use Facebook messenger to communicate with other people when I need them (more formal) but if I want to contact a friend I normally use Whatsapp as they use it frequently so If I need to find something out I'm more likely to find it quicker. I hope to see you back here again soon so you can keep up with my project.

Diyar Kurnaz