Wednesday 18 January 2017

Colour Scheme (Actual)

Hello people as you might remember from last weeks weekly update I said that I'll be creating a colour scheme for my Hip-Hop magazine and I've decided to go with this one. The reason for this is that the colour white and black I think is necessary as most Hip-Hop magazines contain it and also they both contrast well together. As you can see I've also included the colour Pale Silver in my colour scheme as I felt that it's a 'smooth' colour. I also included Red in my colour scheme as when I was looking as it's considered as a Dark and serious colour so by including this it makes it stand out more compared to other magazines. Finally I used the colour Purple in my colour scheme as I feel like it'll be unique as the colour Purple is not generally used in Hip-Hop magazines and also it contrasts well with other colours in my scheme too.

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