Friday 6 January 2017

Analysis of 2 music magazine of the same genre as mine (Hip-Hop)

Hello everyone today I’ll be analysing two magazines with the same genre (Hip-Hop) as I’ll be creating a Hip-Hop magazine so it'll be good to go into detail of the magazines to give me some ideas on what to include in my one (magazine). 

As you can see both of the magazines Mastheads have both red and white wether it's on the actual font or background. This is very useful for both Vibe and XXL as it makes their Mastheads stand out which makes it easier for people to recognise as the colour Red and White have a good combination and is suitable for the magazine. In addition to that both of their Mastheads are in Bold which helps the Genre as Hip-Hop is known to be a 'serious' genre by having it in Bold this makes it more appropriate for the magazine. 

On both magazines the main image contains someone recognisable in the Hip-Hop genre which is the case for nearly most Hip-Hop magazines. This is beneficial as both Kendrick Lamar and Dr.Dre attracts people to buy the magazine as they're well known in the industry and people who like Hip-Hop would like to get to know them more. Also in both of the images you can see that the artists have a 'bad boy' expressions as they both look serious this like the masthead is very suitable for the Hip-Hop magazine as I've said before Hip-Hop is considered to be serious and by both of the artists looking like a 'bad boy' it links to the genre of the magazine. 

Finally as you can see both of the cover-lines on the magazines use the same kind of structure. On both of them they try to make the name of the person on the main image stand out by having their name eye catching to the reader by making the font size large. They both have simplicity on the front cover everything seems to be organised and neat. On both of the magazines the cover-lines are on the right side of the magazine and is a list on what is included in the magazine but nothing that goes into detail which is one of the reasons why the front cover looks neat and simple. Also they've both also ensured that no cover-lines get in the way of the image and as a result have left the bottom half of the front cover empty so the image stand out to the audience. 

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