Monday 28 November 2016

School Magazine front cover & contents page analysis

Hello everyone I can confirm that I have finally finished my front cover and contents page for my school magazine and will be going through it with you.

Front Cover
My front cover was a task which I found the most difficult to make. The reason for this was the lack of experience in Photoshop however I managed to overcome it as I slowly got used to it. I added the blue background as the colour blue connotes intelligence which suits my magazine as 6th former's are seen as intelligent and formal which is suitable for my magazine. I've chosen the image of the two students and ensure that they wore suits as they looked smart which is what you want the 6th former's to look like and also by them focusing on the camera with a serious look it made them look more like grown ups that are ready for the challenge which is what you want your 6th former's mind set to be like. Finally I also added 'Guide for each topic for 6th former's' as I believed this would attract people to get the magazine as my magazine date shows it's early in the academic year which will be useful for them and be a good selling point. Overall I enjoyed creating my front cover for my magazine as I managed to learn new stuff in Photoshop and it was similar to what I planned it to be which I was happy about.

Contents Page
I believe my contents page was much better than my front cover. Reason for this is that it was simple and neat which made it look good. The Image that I've chosen was suitable as the person was smiling and looking happy which is how I want the 6th former's to feel like. Also the positioning of the picture was also suitable as it covered the right hand side and the whole left hand side was just page numbers and what was in the magazine. I made the background colour white as it I believe it suited my text font and colour and made it stand out more. Finally another thing that I decided to add is 'Quote of the day' as I want people that read the magazine to be inspired and by putting inspiration quote this could make them more motivated to work hard.

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