Wednesday 30 November 2016

Analysis of music magazine (Hip-Hop&Rock)

Image result for rock magazineImage result for hip hop magazine covers

Analysis of the magazines
Today I'll be analysing two different genres of music magazine - Hip-Hop and Rock. As you can see from the images above you can instantly tell they're different. The Hip-Hop magazine has more of a brighter approach and uses the colour red as the background whereas the rock magazine uses the colour black. The Hip-Hop one for this reason more eye catching as red is more appealing to the eye than black as you can see above. Both of their Mastheads are behind the main image however the Hip-Hop one seems be more covered. One of the reasons for this could be that 50 Cent's face is focused is in the cover and by having him there you straight away can tell it's going to be about Hip-Hop as he's a massive artist and also in the middle of the page it even mentions him so if you don't know about Hip-Hop it does say. On the other hand the rock magazines image doesn't cover whole of the magazine and it focuses on the whole body of the person instead of focusing on the face this could be because the person ain't a popular figure so it would not be a good selling point. Also on the rock magazine you can see that the photo has a electronic guitar on it which also helps it stand out more as a rock magazine as electronic guitars are one of the main instruments in rock. Finally the rock magazine seems to be more neat and organised as all the cover-lines are placed in an ordinarily fashioned and keeps it simple whereas the Hip-Hop magazine has cover-lines going down from the right hand side and also have images on the left hand side and seem less organised than the rock magazine. Overall I believe both magazines are good for their genres as they both suit the individual genre and Hip-Hop and rock is seen as genres that are not similar to each other which reflects by the magazines as you can see they're not similar in any kind of way.

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