Wednesday 23 November 2016

Audience Feedback Evaulation

Feedback on my school magazine

Hello everyone hope you're all having a good day like me and today I will be discussing some of the feedback I have received and will be breaking them all down.

Front Cover  
In my feedback I got a few positives about my front cover from my audience. One of them was that I included relevant topics (cover lines) in my front cover which was relatable to my target market which was 6th formers which was good to hear. Also people stated that 'Flash' in my magazine was good as it did catch the attention of the people and finally the photo and the barcode was also seen as a positive by my audience as it made my magazine more professional. The improvements which could be made to my magazines that I gathered from my audience feedback was that I needed to add more content at the top of my front cover as they felt that it was left a bit empty. Also they suggested that my cover lines were too long which is bad as this could put people away from the magazine as they might find the front cover boring. Another Improvement that was suggested was to make the Masthead in capital letters to make it stand out more and also change the colour of the date and make it bolder as you can't notice it.

Contents Page 
The positives I received on my contents page from my audience was that people liked how my layout was for my contents page and how the Image was on one side and page numbers on the other they thought it fit in well. Also they liked the fact I put in 'Quote of the Day' as it was unique selling point and was useful for my magazine as you would want your students to be motivated. The disadvantages of my magazines content page was with the photo was I should edited around the picture as there was some noticeable errors. Finally the background needed improvement as they felt it was blank and they suggested that I should of focused more on the background. 

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