Saturday 15 October 2016

Weekly Update

Hello everyone today I'll be talking to you about what was produced this week in my blog and keep you up to date if you have missed some of the posts this week. The first thing I managed to do is obtain my school questionnaire results to have a rough idea of what 6th formers enjoy and to see what to include in my school magazine and you can find the results on the blog if you want to see them. As I gained the results I completed a readership profile to tell you guys some of my opinions about the result and what I will be including in my school magazine so you know what to expect from it when it's produced. After all of this it was time to think about the Masthead of the magazine. I created a Masthead plan with five different names and with five different fonts which I would pick on later on. Then like the Masthead plan I created a colour scheme which I could use for my magazine and tried to relate the colours to the 6th form but I tried to use a variety colours which I would pick for my magazine. Finally I picked my masthead and included different colours for it (only five) that I think would be suitable however this will be chosen at a later date.

It's been another week of progress and I hope to see you here again soon.

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