Friday 28 October 2016

Weekly Update

Hello people another week has gone by in my project and this one has been a bit different to what you'll usually see. This week in my project I have done the Flat Plan for my front cover and content page and finally some photography ideas for my photoshoot. The Flat plan for the front cover and contents page was important as it gave me a rough idea how my actual school magazine would look like and for both the front cover and content page I created two flat plans to weigh up my options. Finally I created some photography ideas for my photoshoot so I can see some poses I can use and analyse why the would be suitable for a 6th form magazine to have me thinking on what exactly I want to do in the actual photoshoot.

Friday 21 October 2016

Photoshoot List and Props


Model 1: Glen

Model 2: Jequan

Model 3: Rakeem 

Model 4: Jocelyn


Everyone will be wearing formal uniforms.


We will be using a lanyard on the students, books and folders.


We will be taking the photo inside a studio.

Flat Plan Content Page

Today I will show you two flat plan I created for my content page of my magazine for the Preliminary  task. I have decided to go with the second one as I felt that everything combined well together and I managed to also add an inspirational quote at the bottom which is suitable for a School magazine.



Wednesday 19 October 2016

Flat Plan Front Cover

Hello people today I created my Flat plan for the front cover of my magazine for the Preliminary task. I decided to create two as I wanted to see my options and to see if I can do one better than the other one and looking back at it I have decided which one I want to go with but I will still show you both of them.

This is the Flat plan I decided to go with as I thought it was more suitable and looked more professional to go with as I felt everything was fitted in well.

The one I didn't go with will be below this text. I decided not to pick this as I thought everything didn't combine well together and that the Flat plan was not as appropriate for what my magazine will be about.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Weekly Update

Hello everyone today I'll be talking to you about what was produced this week in my blog and keep you up to date if you have missed some of the posts this week. The first thing I managed to do is obtain my school questionnaire results to have a rough idea of what 6th formers enjoy and to see what to include in my school magazine and you can find the results on the blog if you want to see them. As I gained the results I completed a readership profile to tell you guys some of my opinions about the result and what I will be including in my school magazine so you know what to expect from it when it's produced. After all of this it was time to think about the Masthead of the magazine. I created a Masthead plan with five different names and with five different fonts which I would pick on later on. Then like the Masthead plan I created a colour scheme which I could use for my magazine and tried to relate the colours to the 6th form but I tried to use a variety colours which I would pick for my magazine. Finally I picked my masthead and included different colours for it (only five) that I think would be suitable however this will be chosen at a later date.

It's been another week of progress and I hope to see you here again soon.

School Masthead colours

School Masthead colours

Today I'm going to present you my Masthead colours for the school magazine. I've finally chosen a Masthead but now I have to decide what colour I want for my Masthead and have created five different colours for my Masthead which I believe are the best five that I will pick from and you can see the five different ones (colour) with the Masthead I've chosen right below this.

School Colour Scheme

School colour scheme

Today I'm going to present you with my colour scheme. I've picked five different colour schemes and every one of them has their own reasons. I tried to include colours which represent the academy and the 6th form so the magazine can be more 'relatable' to the students. However I created different colours for the reason that I believe it was suitable for the magazine and you can view them right below this text.

The colour scheme I decided to initially go with is the far left one (first one). The reason for this is that I believe the colours are smooth and are not to aggressive which is what you want your 6th formers to feel like when they look at your magazine. This is because 6th form is considered to be stressful for students so by having calming colours this could calm them down when reading the magazine.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

School Masthead Ideas

School Masthead Ideas

Hello people today I will be presenting my Masthead ideas to you which I will pick one soon. I managed to pick out five names with five different fonts which will be found below this text.

The masthead I decided to go with was the 'The 6th formers'. This is because is I wanted it to base my magazine on 6th formers and as you can see the other magazines seems like it's more about the general school instead of 6th formers as it's all about Purley, so by having 'The 6th formers' as my masthead my target audience (6th formers) will be able to straight away know that it's focused only on them and not lower years.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

School Readership Profile

Today I'm going to go through my results of my questionnaire with you and analyze some parts of it and explain who I will be targeting my magazine to.

The first question in my survey was to see the different ages in the 6th form and to see what was the dominant age. As you can see from my results the majority of the people who answered my survey was 16 year olds. This shows that people in 6th form are mainly from year 12 and that they are the more dominant age group.

Second questions in my survey was the gender. In this section I expected it to be pretty even and as you can see from the results it did turn out like what I expected and was even. There was 11 males and 9 females which answered my survey.

In the third question if I managed to get different results than I expected. I believed the 6th formers would enjoy socializing with their friend with the most but this didn't turn out to be the matter. The most thing people enjoyed was their break and lunch time and the least votes were for friends.

The fourth question was to find out what people disliked the most about the school as I managed to find out what they enjoyed the most in school. I found out that 6th formers most disliked the rules of the school. This could suggest that the 6th formers believe they are being treated unfairly which could be a potential topic to talk about in my magazine.

The fifth question in my survey was to find out about their hobbies to see what people enjoy the most. In my results it was tightly contested. Reading was mentioned the most which is a benefit which shows that my magazine could be ideal for 6th formers which means I can potentially aim to only focus on them. The second most mentioned hobby was sports. This was pretty much expected as young adults tend to be interested in fitness which means I could include Sport events in my magazine as it'll be more ideal.

Sixth question I asked was what people are planning to do after 6th form and as expected most of the people wanted to go University and some of them wanted to do apprenticeship and by this I can get an idea on what to include in my magazine such as University details and different Apprenticeship opportunities.

Another question I asked to see if the people were employed/Volunteer somewhere to get a rough idea of how much free time they have as 6th form is normally much harder than secondary school. I thought that many people will be unemployed but this didn't turn out to be the case. Even though majority of them was unemployed (11) it was still tight and out of the twenty people I asked nine of them said yes. This shows that potentially many of them didn't have that much free time.

The results for the 8th question was tight expect for Media which many people preferred. Many of the other subjects were even which shows that if I was to focus on a topic it would be Media as it was the winner easily.

I believe the 9th question was the most important question as it would tell me if people would actually read my magazine. The results showed positivity as majority of them said they do enjoy reading school magazines.

The final question was which type of genre they did enjoy reading (For the people saying they did enjoy reading a magazine). As you can see from the results many people enjoyed reading about music and fashion. This gave me a rough idea on any additional content that I can include for my school magazine to make it attract readers.

Overall from my questionnaire I know now that I will target my school magazine on 6th formers and will include topics like Sports, School rules, University options and many more. The reason for including these topics is from the results I obtained from the questionnaire so by including these topics it can attract more readers.

Monday 3 October 2016

School Questionnaire results

Hello everyone today I'm going to present you the results of my questionnaire by showing you screenshots of couple of them. If you do scroll down my blog you can find the questions there (Readership profile) and the answers will be on the same order as the questions.