Wednesday 28 December 2016

Contents Page Mood Board

If you'll like to see the images in a larger size than you can click the link and can see the images more clearly there.

Link -

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Double Page Spread Mood Board

Hello everyone I'll be presenting you with my Double Page spread mood board that I've created on Pinterest and include some double page spreads designs that I've liked which you could find it below. 

Weekly Update

Hello everyone I'll be giving you my weekly update today and let you know what's been going on! The first thing that happened this week was my 'Target Audience Vox Pop'. I had to go and record people standing still and went on Adobe Premier Pro and made a profile for the people and made a video out of it. After that I created my 'Audience Research Mood Board' on Pinterest. I went on Pinterest and pinned some posts that I thought would be relatable for my magazine and included different stuff such as artists, music concerts, quotes and more. Then I created a questionnaire to find out about what people would like to see in my magazine and created a presentation of the results. Then after I created a Readership profile where i went through the results of my questionnaire and let you guys know what I thought about the results and what will now be included in my magazine.

Readership Profile

As you would of seen in my previous post I've managed to obtain results from my questionnaire and presented it to you. Today with them results I'll make a conclusion on what exactly my magazine will be about and some of the stuff I'll include in it.

As you can see the results from my questionnaire both genders answered it. This was a postivie as I wanted my magazine to target both genders and by getting answers from both this helped me out a lot as now I can have a rough idea on what both genders think about music magazines and what they'll like to see included in one.

The second question was about the age of people that will be answering the questionnaire. Overall I think it was not dominated by a certain age but by the results you can see that majoirty of it was answered by 16 year olds but there was still a fair amount of 17 years old that took part too which was a postive. However only a minimal amount of 18 year olds took part in the questionnaire so when I create my magazine I'll be mainly focusing on it to teens around 16 to 18 year olds.

The third question was a really important one as it let me know what type of music (genre) people like. As you can see from the results Hip-Hop was the genre that people enjoyed listening to the most with half the people voting it and the rest were tightly contentsed with Pop coming in second with four votes and both rock and other were join 3rd with 3 votes. As a conclusion I'll be making my magazine focus on the Hip-Hop genre as people seem to enjoy that the most and will not be including Pop as I believe if it was tightly contenested they'll be a reason but as it ain't my magazines only focus will be Hip-Hop.

I asked the fourth question to have a rough idea to see if people do enjoy stuff like the radio. As if they do they had a lead up question to what kind of radio station they listen to which will help me as I'll know exactly what kind of music of each genre they listen to such as chilled, fast etc. As you can see half of the people said they do listen to the radio and half of it said no. The people that did say yes they liked listening to Capital XTRA which means they like main known artists and music which means I should include stuff like that so they can relate.

The following question about the pricing was arguably one of the most important questions as if you include everything but don't get the price right then people won't buy your magazine. As you can see from the results more than half of the people agreed that £1-£2 will be an appropriate price for a magazine. This was surprising as there was a cheaper option of under £1 but this still managed to lose out to £1-£2 which possibly means that people expect a magazine worth reading for an appropriate price. As a result the price of my magazine will be £1-£2 as it'll make it more profitable yet people still are more likely to purchase it depending on the content.

The 6th question was also vital as this will mean what will be included and how much into detail my magazine will go to. If people wanted a weekly magazine then this will mean more topics could possibly be covered but with less depth so people are up to date with what's going on. However if they like a monthly magazine this could go more into detail with the situation and maybe include other stuff like interviews. As you can see by the result majority of the people preferred if it was a monthly magazine even though it was tightly contested. As a result I'll do a monthly magazine as I believe it'll be more suitable for my magazine as I want it to be in depth and include detailed interviews which will be hard to do in a weekly magazine.

I included the question 'Who's your favourite artist?' as this will give me ideas of what artists I can include in the magazine. As you can see by the results Drake won the majority of the votes as peoples favourite artist and J Cole coming second. Both Drake and J Cole are known artists which shows that people will like to see known artists in the magazine as you can see from rest of the results you can see they're main known artists which I will be including.

I asked why people prefer CD's or downloading music online so I can have giveaways and try relate it to my readers the most. If people liked CD's then I can have CD giveaways including in my magazine but if they liked downloading music online then I can give vouchers to them. As you can see Downloading music online dominated it and won easily. As for this reason I could include vouchers to giveaway so it can possibly attract more readers as they have chances to win things by reading the magazine.

The final question was asked so I can see how people interact with the latest music. This one was tightly contested but unsurprisingly people managed to keep up with the latest music on the Internet. This is a positive as my magazine could have social media accounts set up and provide people with breaking news about new music coming up and like this it can attract more people as if the social media account is run properly this could attract more people to read the magazine.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Questionnaire Results

Hello everyone I will be presenting you with my questionnaire results which I have created on infogram (based on the 20 results I got). You'll be able to find the results below and soon I'll also be making a Readership profile based on the results and will post to give you my thoughts

Questionnaire (For Audience)

Hello everyone today I've created a Questionnaire to find about my audience for my upcoming music magazine. Below you can find the sample for the questionnaire that I'll be giving out to find out about my audience.

Audience Research Mood Board

Hello everyone today I've done a mood board for my audience research. I tried to include artists, quotes and other images such as concerts that will be relative to the music magazine that I will be creating. Below you can find a little snippet of what's included in my mood board but if you'll like to see more images you can also click the link below

Link to mood board -

Audience Vox Pop

Hello everyone today I've created my Target Audience Vox Pop with Adobe Premier Pro. In the Audience Vox Pop I managed to add effects such as contrasting the video and included the name, age, Hobbies and their favourite music (genre).

Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Weekly Update

Hello everyone hope you’re all doing fine. This week I’ve focused on doing the conventions for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. For all of them I analysed different important parts of what they contain to make them up (front page, contents page and double page spread). Finally I’ve also done a comparison of two different music magazines front cover (Hip Hop & Rock) and analysed what makes both of them magazines suitable to their genre and how exactly this is done by them.