Sunday 30 April 2017


Hello everyone today I have got feedback from my peers for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I'll update you guys as I update some of my work from the feedback I've got.
See you soon!

Saturday 29 April 2017

Double Page Spread Update 2

Hello everyone this is my latest double page spread update. I have decided to include the red background onto the white introduction as it fits in well and also added the page numbers, website and the masthead at the bottom of the double page spread which I was planning to do from my last update.

Double Page Spread Update 1

 Today I've started my double page spread and I have prewritten the interview with my cover star which helped me out a lot as I didn't have much to write. I put the pull quote as Stormy with that text as I felt like it made my double page spread seem neat. In my next update I'm planning to include a background colour and the page numbers, masthead and website at the bottom of my double page spread.

Friday 21 April 2017

Contents Page Update 2

As you can see today I done big updates for my contents page. I changed the background colour from black to red as I found black too 'Dull' and felt like white font on a red background will be more eye catching. In addition to that I also added some regulars and also the image that I will be using for my contents page.